Remarkably You

I am a professional life and business coach who works with my clients to support them in becoming Remarkably You! Remarkably You in life, business, and sales . . . Dare to be Remarkable!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Baby Steps towards Remarkably You CD series!

I'm so excited! Today, I was able to take a BIG baby step towards a dream I've been talking about for a looooonnnnnng time. I put a group of people together for a conference call, recorded it, and have the idea to turn it into the first of 5 in the Remarkably You CD series . . How cool is that?

It wasn't without a few gliches, but for the most part, I was very happy with the steps I took today. The next step is some editting which once again means pulling in some of my support team . . I couldn't do what I do without them!!

Doesn't it just feel GOOD when we do something, even if it's a little something, in the direction of our dreams and goals?

What was yours today?? : )


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