Remarkably You

I am a professional life and business coach who works with my clients to support them in becoming Remarkably You! Remarkably You in life, business, and sales . . . Dare to be Remarkable!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Remarkable People Get Noticed!

I must be making quite a splash in some way because I received a very unique e-mail in regard to my last blog. I will not give his/her e-mail address or name (especially since he/she didn't sign it), but I will give the author of the note the respect he/she deserves. After all, we do live in America, and we all have the right to express our opinions.

So, find below a copy of this unusual e-mail and my response. Think about how the Remarkably You person within you would have responded . . .

Upset Reader writes:
Well how long did it take you to realize that what we do as parents affect our children's way of thinking and doing? How long have you been a mother? Do you really not pay that much attention to them? Maybe you should stop trying to tell everyone else how to live and feel and focus on your children's lives, help them "find their true potential". I find you to be very self-righteous, lazy, arrogant, dishonest, and a HUGE hypocrite.

My Curious Response:

Well, I will say that this is a first to receive such a harsh e-mail in the years that I've been writing and coaching, but I guess I shouldn't have expected everyone to appreciate my thoughts and ideas. But to say these things about me when you really don't know me - I find very interesting. Why am I dishonest just because I had the kids take on the responsibility for taking out the trash?

I can tell that you put a lot of passion into your words, and I'm curious at to why. Why did you feel it was necessary to write this e-mail at all? Were you hoping to help in some way or just hurt?

I have been a Mom for many years now, and while I do not claim to be perfect by any stretch of the imagination, I do my best to teach my children to respect others and what they try to do in this world even if I don't always agree or understand. I honor hard work in myself and in them. My wish for you is that you would do the same.

In this country we have the freedom to express our opinions - both of us. I really do appreciate you taking the time to express yours today. And my request is that if you really object to my writings that much, just don't read them . . .



  • At 4:06 PM, Blogger Teresa said…

    That is one of the pitfalls of the blog world is that anyone can read it and anyone can comment whatever they want. You will get more of these, I am sorry to say, but you handled this one wonderfully. Remarkably, actually. :)

  • At 6:21 PM, Blogger Remarkably You!! said…

    Thanks, Gals! As long as I have more fans like you than those who are . .what could I say? a little difficult . . . I'm one very happy person!

    Thanks for your kind words and thoughts. I appreciate YOU : )

  • At 4:58 PM, Blogger Remarkably You!! said…

    Lori sent this to me as a personal e-mail saying she wanted to post this, but didn't remember her password : ) I've been there a few times myself, and I wanted to share with her thoughts with you . . .

    Gloria, as you know we adopted two girls and felt very strongly that we were going to impact their lifes in a positive way. As parents we all understand that in an internal way. It's not something that we consciencely thought about everyday. There were however times when our children confirmed our beliefs by saying and doing things that let us know they were listening, learning and putting into practice the values that we had been living in front of them. I found and continue to find parenting to be a growth process that challenges us at different stages in our lifes about what we really believe and if we're going to live that believe out in the open.

    I know the person you are and that your comments were not an indication that this is the first time you paid attention to your children. I believe what you were sharing is just one of those moments that as parents we all share when we see the fruits of our labor and reaffirm to ourselves that we really do make a diffence. There are so many other influences in our society that are fighting for our children's attention. It's good to encourage parent's and provide examples that we really do make a difference.

  • At 10:57 PM, Blogger Remarkably You!! said…

    Thanks, Gary! I'm so glad you found your way here : ) . . .You sound like a remarkable parent, too. Welcome!!


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