Remarkably You

I am a professional life and business coach who works with my clients to support them in becoming Remarkably You! Remarkably You in life, business, and sales . . . Dare to be Remarkable!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Wish or a Strategic Plan of Action?

What is the difference between a wish and a strategic plan of action? I don't think I have to tell you, but there is a huge difference!

From my last blog, Gary made a comment - and I thank YOU so much for doing so! - saying that he wished he could experience the Remarkable changes in his own life that I had described in my own story. I love that, and honestly, that's why I write so many of my own personal stories. Not because I want to brag, but to be a role model, an example, someone to point to that reminds you of this very fact, "If SHE can do it, I can do it!!"

Let's be real here - I'm not anyone extra special. I'm not extraordinarily brilliant or creative or fearless or have the ability to fly. I'm made of the same stuff as YOU!

Yet, I know and truly believe that at the very same time, I am special! I am brilliant and creative and fearless and a list of many other wonderful traits. I don't have to be someone I'm not to create the life I want - I simply have to be willing to step into the scariest of all secrets and that is . . .

If I want to have a Remarkable life then I have to be willing to be Remarkably ME!

*I have to stop wishing, and start getting clear about what I want my life look like a year from now.
*I have to stop dreaming with a heavy sigh, and begin huffing and puffing at the gym.
*I have to stop making excuses about how I'm not smart enough or business savvy enough, and read, learn, network, and begin to change how I think about things.
*I have to put aside all the drama of life, and be willing to take the strategic actions that will get me where I want to go.

And so do YOU!!!!

So, stop wishing that you were Remarkable and starting BEING Remarkable!! . . . From the list above or from your own brilliance, what would you like to do next to begin this amazing and oh, so rewarding transformation?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Remarkably Different!

I had a very fun weekend - how about you?? Did you do anything new and exciting, relaxing, or inviting to friends and family?

For me, I did something I've always wanted to do, but for various reasons just never have done. I went canoeing! It was a perfect day here - very hot, 94 degrees or so, sunny, not too buggy, and I was spending the day with my most handsome man, Darrell.

Neither one of us had been canoeing before, so we weren't sure quite what to expect. But honestly, I was expecting to tip over at least once. We didn't, but we did splash around quite a bit and with as hot as it was, it felt wonderful!

The funniest part though was actually crossing paths with someone that I knew. Who would've guessed that in the middle of the river, surrounded by dragonflies and flopping catfish, I would meet someone I knew??

He was kayaking down the river with his wife, and when I said hello, he had no idea who I was. Not because he didn't remember, but he simply didn't recognize me. My hair was longer, and I was wearing a ball cap. I didn't have on my professional clothes that he usually saw me in, and I was not with the man I think he expected me to be with. (I'm sure he didn't know about the divorce.)

I can only imagine what he was thinking, but it really didn't matter. I hoped that he appreciated the Remarkably new me, but even if he didn't - I didn't care! I am happy, enjoying life, and loving all the differences that are now a part of my world. It was quite the reminder of how different my life really is, and I absolutely LOVE it!!!!

How has your life changed to the Remarkable over the last year?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Remarkable Experiences!!

I'm back! And I apologize for being quiet for so long : ) . . . Lots and lots of things going on though - and ALL very fun!!

I've been to Dallas and back . . .

We, Darrell and I, left on a Thursday night a few weekends ago now for the 14 hour drive. I volunteered to drive first on our grand tour of the US from Indiana. We made it past St. Louis and were headed into the depths of Missouri when a strange creature was found in the middle of the road!!

This creature was one I had actually seen before. It was a little more than waist high, orange, and had white stripes - otherwise known as the construction barrel. : ) Yes, to me, the driver at the time, it seemed as if it was in the middle of the road. The dotted lines were criss-crossing because of the construction. Immediate thought - Right or left? And at 75 mph, you have to make a quick decision . . .

I went left. Wrong one!!! As soon as we dropped off the edge of the road and hit dirt, I knew it was the wrong one. But what could I do? I made a decision and had to go with it - right? Isn't that how it is in life sometimes?

The car started sliding and I did my best to steer with the skidding, not to lose control was the ultimate goal. I didn't, and we didn't hit anything - yes, God does watch over the feeble-minded!!

We finally came to a stop. Darrell asked me if I was okay, which I was. I checked in to see where we were and the traffic around us, and got back onto the interstate.

It was so funny as we drove those first few miles afterward and I thought about the incident. While we were sliding and skidding all over the place, somehow it felt strangely familiar. Then I remembered why! Darrell and I had gone go-cart racing and mastering the slide around the corners was part of the experience. Little did I know how I would need that skill later . . .

The Remarkable Lesson: We have to make quick decisions, and sometimes we make the wrong ones. And you never know what life experiences you've had or skills you've developed in the past which will help you manage the present!