Remarkably You

I am a professional life and business coach who works with my clients to support them in becoming Remarkably You! Remarkably You in life, business, and sales . . . Dare to be Remarkable!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Wish or a Strategic Plan of Action?

What is the difference between a wish and a strategic plan of action? I don't think I have to tell you, but there is a huge difference!

From my last blog, Gary made a comment - and I thank YOU so much for doing so! - saying that he wished he could experience the Remarkable changes in his own life that I had described in my own story. I love that, and honestly, that's why I write so many of my own personal stories. Not because I want to brag, but to be a role model, an example, someone to point to that reminds you of this very fact, "If SHE can do it, I can do it!!"

Let's be real here - I'm not anyone extra special. I'm not extraordinarily brilliant or creative or fearless or have the ability to fly. I'm made of the same stuff as YOU!

Yet, I know and truly believe that at the very same time, I am special! I am brilliant and creative and fearless and a list of many other wonderful traits. I don't have to be someone I'm not to create the life I want - I simply have to be willing to step into the scariest of all secrets and that is . . .

If I want to have a Remarkable life then I have to be willing to be Remarkably ME!

*I have to stop wishing, and start getting clear about what I want my life look like a year from now.
*I have to stop dreaming with a heavy sigh, and begin huffing and puffing at the gym.
*I have to stop making excuses about how I'm not smart enough or business savvy enough, and read, learn, network, and begin to change how I think about things.
*I have to put aside all the drama of life, and be willing to take the strategic actions that will get me where I want to go.

And so do YOU!!!!

So, stop wishing that you were Remarkable and starting BEING Remarkable!! . . . From the list above or from your own brilliance, what would you like to do next to begin this amazing and oh, so rewarding transformation?


  • At 7:43 PM, Blogger Teresa said…

    I need to do some huffing and puffing. :) I hate it, but need to find something I like.

  • At 1:24 PM, Blogger S A J Shirazi said…

    Gloria: I am glad to find you here. Will follow this.

    ~~Your Fan


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