Remarkably You

I am a professional life and business coach who works with my clients to support them in becoming Remarkably You! Remarkably You in life, business, and sales . . . Dare to be Remarkable!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Remarkable Traveller!

Where in the world is Gloria?? It's a question I seem to be asked often these days, and I know I've been pretty quiet for a little while now. BUT, I'm back . . again : ) And ready to share with YOU, all that's been happening in my life and all that I'm learning and experiencing.

First, I must share that I've been quiet because I have been travelling. I made the decision about a month and a half ago to partner up with a business consulting firm out of the Chicago area where they ship me off to any part of the country or Canada to work with a company for several weeks at a time. I have to confess - I'm loving it!!!

I love the work, the people, the challenge of coming into a new industry and learning all there is to learn about it, the dynamics of people working together in all different ways, the many accounting programs that are out there (I had no idea there were so many!), the nitty gritty of sales & marketing, and all the tricks of the trade when it comes to savvy travelling.

I cannot tell you how many Remarkable People I have met while I've been travelling - a family who was bringing home their son after he was wounded in Iraq, a grandmother who had spent a week in Las Vegas taking care of her 2 granddaughters and it was her first trip on an airplane, a husband who couldn't wait to get home to his wife because she had run a marathon that day and needed a massage, a 19 year old man who was in the Army Reserves and had adopted triplets, a wonderful gal who is in her early forties and expecting twins next summer, a custom home builder from Hilton Head, NC, who grew up in the "Home of the White Squirrel" where they'd have squirrel counting as extra credit in high school (really!), another great guy who also travelled for a living who told me I was the most fun person he had ever sat next to on a plane : ), and an amazing adolescent psychologist who has written several books, speaks across the country, and reminded me that it is only in school that we are expected to be good at everything . . .

There have been so many stories that I just have to begin to sharing them. I would love for you to read my blog each week as I share one of my travelling stories with you. In the big picture of things, I'd love for this to be the beginnings of my next book - A year of travel and the Remarkable People I've met! - or something along those line. So, if there is a little voice inside of you that would love to get out and meet some new people - then join me as I travel each week. I promise - it is never boring!!

Oh, and if you can tell me where the "Home of the White Squirrel" is, you get an extra bonus : )

Til next week - Be Remarkable wherever you are!!


  • At 1:36 PM, Blogger Teresa said…

    Wow. Sounds like you have been busy. You will have to fill me in with more details soon.


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